Gingival hyperplasia

Gingival hyperplasia is an overgrowth of gum tissue around the teeth. There are a number of causes for this condition, but it’s often a symptom of poor oral hygiene or a side effect of using certain medications. If left untreated, this oral condition can affect the alignment of your teeth and increase the risk of developing gum disease. Gingival hyperplasia can be resolved by improving oral hygiene habits. In more severe cases, surgical treatment is necessary. Gingival hyperplasia is also referred to as: gingival overgrowth, gum enlargement, hypertrophy, hypertrophic gingivitis.
Gingival hyperplasia can be painful and can affect your oral health. One of the more common characteristics of this condition is having red, bleeding gums. Other symptoms associated with gum overgrowth include: tender gums, inflammation, pain, bad breath, plaque buildup on teeth.

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